Nineteenth-Century French Studies
Nineteenth-Century French Studies 44.3–4 (Spring–Summer 2016), , 2016.
The Editorial Board of Nineteenth-Century French Studies is pleased to announce the publication of volume 44 numbers 3–4 (Spring–Summer 2016). In addition to a special dialogue between David F. Bell and Catherine Witt entitled “Incipit,” this issue continues the journal’s longstanding tradition of covering the full range of studies of nineteenth-century French literature and related fields, touching on topics such as diverse as dioramas, prostitutes, censure, Haitian independence, genius, bodies, intertextuality, smells, sounds, photographs, George Sand, and Pierre Loti. A full table of contents is below and also online at:
All of the journal’s book reviews from volume 44 and all of the journal’s online reviews dating back to 2007 are accessible online and without subscription. In addition, the web site offers complete archives of the journal’s publications since it began in 1972: Table of Contents from every issue, abstracts of all of the articles, and all of the book reviews published online. Finally, the web site also provides complete information about subscriptions, about submitting articles, about contacting the Book Review Editors regarding book reviews, about the journal’s Editorial Board and Advisory Board, and about the journal’s history.
Bonne lecture et bonne visite,
Nineteenth-Century French Studies
Seth Whidden, Editor
Scott Carpenter, Rachel Mesch, and Lise Schreier, Associate Editors
Aimée Boutin and Elizabeth Emery, Book Review Editors | Articles: | Reviews: | Twitter: | Subscriptions:
Nineteenth-Century French Studies 44.3–4 (Spring–Summer 2016)
From the Editor [Project MUSE HTML | PDF]
David F. Bell and Catherine Witt
Incipit: On the Present and Future of the Field
David F. Bell
Disciplinary Quandaries
Catherine Witt
A Movable Field
Isabelle Guillaume
Sur les traces des loups des livres pour enfants
K. Adele Okoli
“Que ne sommes-nous assez riches”: Colonial Reverie in George Sand’s Indiana
Elizabeth Berkebile McManus
Illusion and the True: Arcades, Dioramas, and Irony in Théophile Gautier’s Fortunio
Hope Christiansen
Educating Nélida and Valentia: Female Mentorship in Two Works by Marie d’Agoult
Janice Best
Le “Privilège de la parodie”: la censure politique dans quatre vaudevilles de Bayard, Kock, Labiche et Royer
Briana Lewis
The Sewer and the Prostitute in Les Misérables: From Regulation to Redemption
Marcos Flamínio Peres
The Last Manifestation of Vautrin
Kadish, Doris Y., and Deborah Jenson, eds. Poetry of Haitian Independence. Trans. Norman R. Shapiro
Víctor Figueroa
Colson, Bruno. Napoleon on War. Trans. Gregory Elliott
Doina Pasca Harsanyi
Ferret, Olivier, and Anne-Marie Mercier-Faivre, eds. Biographie et politique: vie publique, vie privée, de l’Ancien Régime à la Restauration
Michael G. Kelly
Jefferson, Ann. Genius in France: An Idea and its Uses
Adrianna M. Paliyenko
Bara, Olivier, Mireille Losco-Lena, and Anne Pellois, eds. Les Héroïsmes de l’acteur au XIXe siècle
Joyce Johnston
Rykner, Arnaud. Corps obscènes : pantomime, tableau vivant et autres images pas sages, suivi de Note sur le dispositif
Jennifer Forrest
Hennessy, Susan S. Consumption, Domesticity and the Female Body in Émile Zola’s Fiction
Sharon P. Johnson
Fagley, Robert M. Bachelors, Bastards, and Nomadic Masculinity: Illegitimacy in Guy de Maupassant and André Gide
Charles J. Stivale
Duffy, Larry. Flaubert, Zola, and the Incorporation of Disciplinary Knowledge
Claire White
Neefs, Jacques, ed. Balzac, l’éternelle genèse
Dwight Page
Acquisto, Joseph. The Fall Out of Redemption: Writing and Thinking Beyond Salvation in Baudelaire, Cioran, Fondane, Agamben, and Nancy
Edward K. Kaplan
Locatelli, Federica. Une figure de l’expansion: la périphrase chez Charles Baudelaire
Karen F. Quandt
Vinken, Barbara. Flaubert Postsecular: Modernity Crossed Out. Trans. Aarnoud Rommens and Susan L. Solomon
Éric Le Calvez
Breuil, Eddie. Du Nouveau chez Rimbaud
Stamos Metzidakis
Naturel, Mireille, ed. Proust pluriel
François Proulx
Rignol, Loïc. Les Hiéroglyphes de la Nature: le socialisme scientifique en France dans le premier XIXe siècle
Raphael Koenig
Robert, Vincent. La Petite-fille de la sorcière: enquête sur la culture magique des campagnes du temps de George Sand
Ying Wang
Boutin, Aimée. City of Noise: Sound and Nineteenth-Century Paris
David Evans
Briot, Eugénie. La Fabrique des parfums: naissance d’une industrie de luxe
Érika Wicky
Grøtta, Marit. Baudelaire’s Media Aesthetics: The Gaze of the Flâneur and Nineteenth-Century Media
Timothy Raser
Iskin, Ruth E. The Poster: Art, Advertising, Design, and Collecting, 1860s–1900s
Sharon Larson
Gural-Migdal, Anna. L’Écrit-Écran des Rougon-Macquart: conceptions iconiques et filmiques du roman chez Zola
Carmen Mayer
Loti, Pierre. Pêcheur d’Islande. Ed. Alain Quella-Villéger and Bruno Vercier
Richard M. Berrong
Wicky, Érika. Les Paradoxes du détail: voir, savoir, représenter à l’ère de la photographie
Marit Grøtta
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