I’ve recently gotten into Life Drawing. A few nights ago, I posed nude for a class of 17 artists at Jankura Artspace in Itaewon. For four increments of 20 minutes, I posed completely still. The first 20 minutes were hell. I kept trying to think about something other than my leg twitches and my feet falling asleep. Existing in my body was not where I wanted to be. I didn’t know how I was going to keep going and for three more increments. Then, there was a 5 minute break. A brief moment of relaxation; as relaxed as I could be… being a naked talking living person and not a still-as-a-statue model that I was just moments before the break. The next 20 minutes surprised me though. Something happened. Somehow I got into a meditative state, and I wasn’t looking for it… it just came over me. 20 minutes felt like 1 minute. I could never meditate so effectively in my life. I’m going to be doing this a lot more often. This drawing space is going to be my centered place.