Arthur Cravan à Hambourg
[Exposition – Hambourg – 26 novembre → 16 janvier] Arthur Cravan
‘Die Kunst, die Kunst, ich pfeife auf die Kunst!’
Arthur Cravan im Ring mit 13 Künstlern unserer Zeit
In cooperation with the Edition Nautilus and their reedition of Arthur Cravans writings in German translation (König der verkrachten Existenzen) the 8. Salon will open 26 November the exhibition ‘Die Kunst, die Kunst, ich pfeife auf die Kunst! – Arthur Cravan im Ring mit 13 Künstlern unserer Zeit’ in their space in Hamburg. The show is organized by Roberto Ohrt and Bastiaan van der Velden, who is also responsible for the preface of the new Cravan edition in German. Our main concern is to inform a wider audience about an important figure of the Avant-garde, born 1887 in Lausanne, disappeared 1918/19 at the pacific coast of Mexico, but still almost unknown in Germany. Arthur Cravan im Ring mit 13 Künstlern will present historical documents, like Cravans magazineMaintenant (1912-1915), posters of his boxing matches, and photos and films, that were made about him as a boxer. In addition the 8. Salon asked several artists for new works in memory of Cravan: Jacqueline de Jong, Paul McCarthy, Andy Hope 1930, Rade Petrasevic, Tal R, Marcel Hüppauff, Michel Würthle, Josef Zekoff, Christian Ertel and Manuel Ocampo have promised to take part.
The 8. Salon is an exhibition space in Hamburg, that exist since 2010 and is active in both contemporary art and art history (see the project in the past 3 years about Aby Warburgs Mnemosyne:
‘Die Kunst, die Kunst, ich pfeife auf die Kunst!’
Arthur Cravan im Ring mit 13 Künstlern unserer Zeit – opening: 26 November 2015, at 19.00 H. (until: 16 Jan.; opened Tuesday-Saturday 15.00 – 19.00; or sent a mail to the gallery in advance
8. Salon, Trommelstr. 7, 20359 Hamburg
Published September, 1st:
Arthur Cravan, König der Verkrachten Existenzen, aus dem Französischen übersetzt von Pierre Gallissaires und Hanna Mittelstädt. Nachwort von Bastiaan D. van der Velden.
Gebunden mit Schutzumschlag, 192 Seiten
Edition Nautulis, Hamburg, ISBN 978-3-89401-814-6
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